PostgreSQL Configuration Chronicles: Updates and Fillfactor for Optimal Database Performance

Hüseyin Demir
7 min readApr 22, 2024


The optimization of table configurations plays a pivotal role in achieving efficient data operations. PostgreSQL, renowned for its flexibility and extensibility, offers a spectrum of configuration options to fine-tune database performance. Among these configurations, the fillfactor setting stands out as a key component, influencing the storage and organization of table data. However, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. In this blog post, we’ll embark on a journey to explore various table configuration options in PostgreSQL and how they can be leveraged collectively to elevate update performance and streamline database operations.

Outline as follows;

Fillfactor and Beyond: While fillfactor is a crucial aspect of table configuration, it’s essential to recognize that it’s not the sole determinant of update performance. We’ll jump into other table configuration parameters, such as autovacuum settings, indexing strategies, and storage parameters, highlighting their interplay with fillfactor and their collective influence on database performance.

Identifying Performance Bottlenecks: Before diving into optimization strategies, it’s crucial to diagnose existing performance bottlenecks. We’ll discuss methodologies and tools for performance analysis, enabling readers to pinpoint areas of improvement within their PostgreSQL databases.

Optimization Strategies: Armed with insights into table configurations and performance bottlenecks, we’ll explore a spectrum of optimization strategies tailored to enhance update performance in PostgreSQL databases. From adjusting fillfactor settings to fine-tuning autovacuum thresholds and optimizing index usage, we’ll provide actionable recommendations for maximizing efficiency.

Fillfactor and Beyond

the fillfactor parameter stands as a critical component within table configurations, offering a means to optimize storage and performance by dictating the percentage of space left empty on each database page. This integer value, ranging from 0 to 100, determines the amount of free space allocated to accommodate future updates or insertions within each page. When creating a table or altering its structure, administrators can specify the fillfactor, tailoring it to the specific requirements and workload characteristics of their database.

However, unlike some configuration parameters that exhibit immediate effects upon adjustment, such as indexing strategies or autovacuum thresholds, the impact of altering fillfactor settings may not be readily apparent. This is because changing the fillfactor does not automatically trigger a redistribution of data within the table’s pages. Instead, PostgreSQL optimizes space allocation for subsequent updates and insertions based on the new fillfactor value.

To observe the effects of a modified fillfactor on table performance, administrators must initiate a VACUUM FULL operation. This command comprehensively reorganizes the table’s storage, reclaiming space and redistributing existing data according to the updated fillfactor configuration. While VACUUM and ANALYZE commands are sufficient for routine maintenance and statistics collection, a VACUUM FULL operation is specifically required to realize the impact of fillfactor adjustments.

This reliance on a VACUUM FULL operation underscores the importance of strategic planning and careful consideration when modifying fillfactor settings. Administrators must weigh the potential benefits of optimizing space utilization and performance against the overhead and resource requirements associated with VACUUM FULL operations. Additionally, thorough testing and performance analysis are essential to assess the efficacy of fillfactor adjustments and ensure they align with the overarching optimization goals of the PostgreSQL database.

To change a table’s FF value we can use the following commands.

ALTER TABLE table_name SET (fillfactor=new_value);
VACUUM FULL table_name

After vacuuming tables to see the effect we can observe that the tables having FF ratio of %50 is greater than the others in term of table size.

Hot updates refer to the efficient in-place modification of tuples within a database page, minimizing the need for costly page splits or migrations. This process enhances update performance by reducing disk I/O and overhead associated with data modifications. However, the effectiveness of hot updates hinges on the availability of free space within database pages. If a page becomes full due to a high fillfactor or extensive updates, subsequent modifications may trigger “cold updates,” requiring the allocation of new pages and relocation of tuples, which can degrade performance.

To optimize update efficiency and mitigate the risk of cold updates, administrators can strategically configure fillfactor settings. By specifying an appropriate fillfactor value during table creation or alteration, administrators ensure that database pages maintain sufficient free space to accommodate updates without necessitating page splits or migrations. This proactive approach to fillfactor optimization promotes hot updates and minimizes the likelihood of cold updates, thereby enhancing overall update performance in PostgreSQL databases.

Benchmark Tests and Results

To conduct a benchmark we can use the following commands. I used pgbench as a benchmark tool in PostgreSQL. Simple and easy to generate accurate results..

pgbench -i -s 100 db_name
pgbench -c 100 -j 4 -T 600 db_name

After conducting extensive benchmarks to assess the impact of fillfactor configurations on update query performance in PostgreSQL databases, the results underscore the significance of strategic fillfactor optimization. On average, configuring fillfactor settings according to the specific requirements and characteristics of the environment led to a noticeable improvement in update query performance, with an increase of approximately 10%.

However, it’s essential to recognize that the actual performance gains achieved through fillfactor optimization can vary depending on a multitude of factors. These factors include the database schema, workload patterns, system resources, and query complexity. While the benchmark results provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of fillfactor optimization, it’s crucial for database engineers to understand that the effectiveness of fillfactor configurations is inherently context-dependent.

The degree to which fillfactor adjustments impact update query performance is intricately intertwined with the unique nuances of each database environment. Therefore, it’s imperative for database engineers to meticulously assess their specific use cases, experiment with different fillfactor configurations, and monitor performance metrics to determine the optimal settings for their PostgreSQL databases.

When the fillfactor configuration is decreased from 100 to 50 in PostgreSQL, it essentially means that database pages are allocated with less empty space to accommodate future updates or insertions. As a result, the likelihood of page splits and data fragmentation increases, leading to a more fragmented storage layout within the database.

One consequence of this reduced fillfactor configuration is a notable increase in the overall size of the database. With less free space available within each database page, PostgreSQL is compelled to allocate additional pages to accommodate the same volume of data. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in scenarios with frequent updates or insertions, where the database experiences a higher rate of page splits and subsequent allocation of new pages to store updated or inserted data.

The doubling of database size following a decrease in fillfactor configuration from 100 to 50 underscores the trade-offs involved in fillfactor optimization. While reducing the fillfactor can enhance update performance by minimizing the likelihood of cold updates and maximizing space utilization within database pages, it comes at the cost of increased storage overhead.

Database administrators must carefully weigh these trade-offs and consider the implications of fillfactor adjustments on storage requirements, especially in environments where storage resources are constrained or costly. Additionally, the potential increase in database size may necessitate adjustments to capacity planning, backup and recovery strategies, and overall resource allocation within the database infrastructure.

Ultimately, while decreasing the fillfactor configuration can yield performance benefits in terms of update query efficiency, it’s essential for database administrators to assess the impact on storage consumption and factor this into their decision-making process. Striking the right balance between performance optimization and storage efficiency is crucial for maintaining a well-optimized and cost-effective PostgreSQL database environment.

Deciding whether to increase or decrease fillfactor configurations in PostgreSQL depends on a careful analysis of the specific workload characteristics and performance requirements of the database environment. When aiming to maximize update transactions per second and leverage the efficiency of hot updates, increasing the fillfactor may be beneficial. By allocating more space for future updates within each database page, hot updates are facilitated, reducing the likelihood of cold updates and enhancing update performance.

Conversely, in scenarios characterized by a predominantly read-heavy workload with infrequent updates or insertions, decreasing the fillfactor might be advantageous. By allocating less space within database pages, storage efficiency can be optimized, minimizing wasted space and reducing storage overhead. However, it’s essential to strike a balance between space utilization and update performance, ensuring that any adjustments to fillfactor configurations align with the overarching performance objectives and workload characteristics of the PostgreSQL database environment.

Embrace the Dark Side as you jump into database optimization! Have questions or need guidance on your journey? Reach out to me on LinkedIn, connect on Twitter or Superpeer.May the Force guide us as we optimize our databases for greater efficiency.


